
The Digital Solutions Programme is based at The University of Manchester.

We are building the Hub as a gateway to a broad set of inter-connected toolkits that facilitate improved access and better use of the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) datasets. The Hub will have especially broad impacts on the environment, society and the economy by facilitating easier access and use of NERC’s data in business, government and society.

Working with our partners across the UK the Hub will be integrated with wider social, economic, health and environmental datasets, to support decision making across a range of spatial scales and sectors. For stakeholders, the Hub will be the user-facing entry point that allows them to explore what NERC offers, ensuring that data and toolkits are findable and accessible to use.

We are putting you the user at the heart of our development model to ensure we produce a Hub that is fit for purpose based around the users’ needs. We have already spent a 6 month period engaging with a broad range of stakeholders across the UK in the public, private and third sectors to help us begin to understand how the Hub can support their decision making.

During the first 9 months of the programme we are running a large number of workshops across the UK to understand business needs and to begin to establish how access to NERC and broader social, economic, health and environmental data, coupled with analytical tools can support your decision making.